What do I need to know about NETFILE?

NETFILE is the Canada Revenue Agency’s (CRA) electronic tax-filing service. It allows you to submit your return securely and easily over the Internet using a NETFILE-certified software product (like H&R Block’s tax software).

Choosing to NETFILE your return is a good idea for several reasons, including:

  • Highly secure and confidential – During the NETFILE process, the CRA takes significant precautions to ensure your data remains secure.
  • No more uploading – No more uploading a “.tax” file to the CRA!
  • Quicker refunds – When you NETFILE, your return is processed much faster than a paper return (in many cases, you can get your refund in as few as 8 business days)
  • Greater accuracy – Since a CRA representative won’t need to re-enter your information, there’s less chance of an error being made in your return
  • Keep your slips at home – When you NETFILE your return, you won’t need to mail in any of your slips or supporting documents unless the CRA specifically asks to see them
  • Immediate confirmation – Once you NETFILE your return, the CRA will send you a confirmation that it’s be received, usually within a few seconds