What is the Express NOA?

Express NOA is a service provided by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) that delivers your federal notice of assessment (NOA) directly into the certified tax software you used to prepare your return. With this service, you’ll be able to see your NOA in the tax software after you NETFILE your return.

Note: If you choose not to use this service, you’ll still receive your NOA in the mail.

You must be registered for the CRA My Account and signed up with their Online Mail service to request your NOA through Express NOA. If this is your first year filing a tax return, you won’t be able to use Express NOA. As mentioned, using the Express NOA feature requires that you’re registered for My Account – something you can’t do until you’ve had at least one return assessed by the CRA.


  • If you’re a resident of Québec, you’ll only be able to see your federal NOA with the Express NOA service. You will receive your Québec NOA in the mail or you can log into your Revenu Québec My Account service to download it.
  • To register for the CRA’s Online Mail service, log into your My Account and under Related services, click on Notification preferences for managing online mail. On the Manage online mail page, click the Register for online mail button and enter your email address.